Let’s just say that I know a thing or two about the business world. In fact, I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to management and office dynamics. I have worked in corporate American for over 30 years, and a lot of the companies I have worked for are fortune 500 companies that you've definitely heard of before. My biggest thing is that I see a lot of corporate waste in most big businesses these days. Companies really don’t get the whole idea that the culture of the work environment is set at the top of the organization.
This means that if you are a lazy CEO but expect the people under you to work hard, you may just need to switch up how you do things if you want to see some better success. All that aside, I would consider myself especially knowledgeable in office management and office supplies. I was an office manager at a very successful marketing company for many years, so I suggest that you heed my advice if you are an office manager or a business owner. I put together a short list of office supplies that every business needs to have on hand in order to properly and efficiently complete their work.
The first thing that your employees need if they are going to provide excellent, efficient work for the company is proper technology.
We are quickly becoming a more technologically driven world every single day, and it is crucial that your employees are empowered to do their work through excellent machinery and technology. In fact, your whole company should be taking advantage of every technological advancement at their disposal so as to not become obsolete compared to competition.
Just look at Wendy’s, whose marketing team is absolutely killing the game right now on social media sites like Twitter. You think they are doing all that on a Dell laptop from 2012? No. They are probably running the best of the best up in that office. Most likely Apple everything. So take a page out of Wendy’s book and get your employees some quality technology with which they can do their work efficiently.
Another thing you should consider is having shipping supplies on hand. Now, I know you might be thinking that if you aren’t a supplier or something like that, then there is no point for you to have shipping supplies on hand. Well, I am here to tell you that that is a completely false way of thinking and I would give you 6 more years of business max with that kind of mindset. I know that was harsh, but that is simply the reality of the business world my friend.
Having shipping supplies on hand at all times is so essential, because you never know when you are going to have to ship something off to a client or another business. Whether it be a thank you gift, a sales letter, or a random package that needs to be sent, it’s a lot easier to just go to the supply closet and grab some poly bags or cardboard boxes than go to the post office. Plus, ordering poly bags and other shipping supplies in bulk will save you a lot of money in the long run.