Friday 22 June 2018

Some Shipping Supplies That Every ECommerce Business Needs

So you started an eCommerce business recently huh? Congratulations, so did everyone else. All joking aside, eCommerce has become super lucrative in the last 10 years or so and has become super popular among consumers.

People love ordering things online and receiving their products in the easiest way possible. Well I have a lot of experience in eCommerce and have spent lots of time critically analyzing and auditing my business to make sure I am operating as efficiently as possible. Through all this, I have discovered that how you ship your products is extremely important for the wellbeing of your business and for the loyalty of your customers.

Since you are an eCommerce business, you never actually interact with your customers in person. This means that the only physical interaction your customers may have with you is your product and the box or package that it is shipped in. Because of this simple fact, it is true that you need to seriously consider and evaluate how you are shipping your products on a regular basis. Here are a few tips I have for you about shipping and packing supplies that you need for your eCommerce business.

The first thing that you will need to get squared away about your shipping process is the packing and cushioning material. The last thing you need is bad reviews due to your products being broken or damaged during transit. I know from personal experience that truck drivers don’t give a darn about your products; they are just driving trucks for a living and could not care less about the well being of your precious packages. Especially if you are shipping items that are fragile, you will need to take great care to properly cushion and pack your container.

I suggest investing in supplies like bubble wrap or packing peanuts that can keep your items safe and secure. It is also important to find a box that will best fit your product that you are shipping. You want a big enough box that won’t squish or hurt your product, but you want it to be as small as possible to prevent your products from getting tossed around in their boxes during shipping. If your product shows up at your customers door and it is broken, I promise they will point fingers at you. Even if you had nothing to do with the package being damaged, it will hurt your reputation in the end. That’s why it is super important to cushion and package your products well.

Another essential shipping element you need is some sort of sealable bags. We in the eCommerce industry often refer to poly bags as the way to ship packages and keep everything safe and sound. Poly bags are great because they offer a layer of extra protection from bumps and impacts that may occur during shipping, and they also can help protect your product against weather elements and other outside factors. If you are planning on shipping some sort of clothing or jewelry, sealable bags are especially helpful. They can keep out any water or dirty materials, and also help to prevent things from tangling or getting all messed up. 

I hope you can use this information to better your eCommerce business and to start shipping your products in a more efficient and smart way. 

Saturday 7 April 2018

Online retail Packaging Options for All Issues

If you have issues with fulfilling and keeping up with the orders, you’re definitely not alone. You may wonder if there’s a fulfillment process that lets you save some money. Yes, there are, and online retail packaging options are great. 

With online businesses booming, making over double the money made from the previous years, and it won’t be stopping anytime soon, you need to have a good online fulfillment strategy. From the complicated fulfillment and packaging process to the different shipping that comes with this, you need the proper packaging and processing solutions for your business. You want someone that you can trust, and it’s important to have someone that helps with the ecommerce issues. 

Packaging not Withstanding Shipping 

A bog problem with some ecommerce businesses is that they don’t have packaging that withstands the motions of shipping and the turnover to different locations, depending on how far your business reaches.  There is a lot more handling from this alone than even going to the store. Creating strong packaging involves using correct materials. Corrugated is the best since it’s the most durable, and it’s popular for a ton of businesses, and it has sustainable options to create more eco friendly options. 

You need something with good structural integrity and has a process that’ll hold up even among the harsh environments for shipping. The correct boxes will help with this, since of course, it can protect the box, and even having inserts made of foam will offer more security when shipping out materials. 

Packaging and Fulfillment isn’t as Efficient 

Another problem with this is that the fulfillment and packaging may not be good for this, and you need a good, efficient system to go with this. Getting a third part involved, is a good idea but the problem is you need to make sure they know how to manage the inventory and offer contract packaging that works. 

Vendor inventory services do make getting the packaging pieces that you need a much more efficient experience. Here are vendor managed inventor options that are electronic, and usually, they involve scanning the packaging so that it’s sent to help replenish the stock. With all of these processes there, it des save the warehouse space since it offers less packaging stored in certain places, and also helps with making sure the packaging is usable too. You also can have them handle order fulfillment too, so that you don’t have to deal with everything, and instead, it all works faster. 

The Packaging is Too much 

Some struggle with the proper custom packaging since it can be too expensive. There are ways to help with this too, and in a lot of cases, it’s important to make sure that the packaging works for what you’re selling, reading the increased costs that happens if you have improper product designs for this. A lot of shipping companies do look at the dimensional weight options rather than the pure weight options to help with the shopping, which means that you may be getting charged more for a lot of boxes that are too big, even if they are light. 

Corrugated is good for a lot of these and they are an option, but there are other packaging options too that’ll help you with this, and you definitely want to make sure that if you’re working with a retailer, they consider these needs too. When you’re looking at these understand that you do have a lot of factors to control, but that also is what makes the packaging experience fun for many, and an adventure for many. 

Thursday 22 June 2017

Creating The Perfect ECommerce Business

If you are looking to start your own business online, then I have some good news for you. ECommerce businesses are rapidly becoming one of the most lucrative business models that is absolutely taking over the world. Just about any industry you can think of also exists in a completely online eCommerce model. However, with eCommerce being so popular, it means that there are a lot of people trying to jump on the bandwagon at the moment.

The important thing to remember is that creating an eCommerce business is not as easy as some people think. While it may be significantly easier to start up than a regular brick and mortar business, a business built completely online has its own set of challenges. I am writing this article because I am completely and totally knowledgeable on all things eCommerce and have a lot of experience building these types of businesses from the ground up. One thing that I have always meant to do is to pass my knowledge on to those below me in hopes that they can see even a fraction of the success and wealth that I have found through eCommerce. So without further ado, here are some tips and tricks that will help you start your eCommerce business.

One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to you is to find a product that is worth selling. You have probably noticed that a lot of other eCommerce gurus are super into selling books and jewelry right now for a quick cash grab. While this is somewhat profitable in the short run, it is true that this will ultimately lead to a dead end. I cannot tell you how many people I have tried to steer clear of this direction only for them to not listen to me.

Soon afterwards they begin to hate their lives because they can’t seem to make significant progress with their eCommerce business. All I have to say to those people is this: I told you so. So make sure you do not make the same mistake and sell something that is actually worth your time. I would begin your search by exploring things that you yourself would be interested in, or things that your family or friends might buy. This is a good way to identify products that would be useful to you and to the people around you, and this will likely translate into sales for other consumers as well. 

A super important part of any eCommerce business is also packaging and shipping of your product. Once you have figured out what you are going to sell, you need to figure out the medium through which you are planning on selling your product. This might be through a software or website that is unique to your or your business. In other ways, ensure that you have the proper packing and shipping supplies like cardboard boxes and poly bags.

Whatever you are selling, make sure you have packing and shipping materials that will keep your items safe and undamaged during transportation. Poly bags are great because they add in an extra layer of protection and also help to keep water, dirt, or other elements from getting into your package and ruin your product. I have a lot more tips for you, so make sure you read this article and share it with your friends! See you next time.

Friday 28 April 2017

Life Hacks That You Should Know About

Hey world, I am writing today to tell you all that your lives stink. Now before you go on and get defensive or upset about what I just said, just hear me out. I have recently been going down the Youtube rabbit whole of life hacks. Now if you don’t know what life hacks are, they are small and creative things that you can do to make your life a whole lot better and save yourself a lot of time and energy.

Depending on the type of life hack, you could save yourself seconds or even minutes out of the day - then you can go and use that time to live your best life through traveling, exploring, or making so much money that you don’t even know what to do with it. All in all, I am trying to convey that life hacks will make your life so much better that you will straight up ascend into a better human being and exist on a higher plane of mental energy. That being said, let’s get into the nitty gritty of some sick life hacks! 

The first life hack I have involves you and your stinky, nasty, disgusting shoes. If you are an athlete or a middle school boy, then your shoes probably smell as ripe as the barn floor of a dairy farm. Luckily, there are life hacks created for people just like you who struggle with basic hygiene. No longer do you have to worry about your friends not wanting to hangout with you or your family disowning you due to the unreal stench coming from your feet. What’s that? You’re on a budget and can’t afford expensive shoe cleaning products? Well, the good news is that this life hack I’m about to tell you is completely safe for those on a budget.

I myself am extremely wealthy, so I don’t completely understand your problem but can definitely empathize with you. This life hack involves going to the store, so get in your car, buckle that seatbelt, and make your way to the nearest Walmart. What you are going to need is some sort of herbal tea bags of your choice. I want you to go ahead and pick out the ones that smell the best to you. Now when you get home, take off the shoes you are wearing on a day-to-day basis and put some dry tea bags in there. Let it sit for a few days, and your shoes should be back to smelling nice and good! Now you can go to sleep at night without having to worry about which friend is going to leave you next.

The next life hack I have for you involves plastic bags. Pretty much any bag will do, but I personally prefer poly bags because they work the best in my opinion. If you don’t know what poly bags are, then I suggest you look them up online because they will straight up change your life. If you are tired of having a random drawer full of plastic bags, then you’re not alone. Simply put your plastic bags in an empty box of tissues, and now they are in a handy spot that you can reach at all times. Now you don’t have to have a bag filled with other bags.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Shipping Supplies That You Should Have At All Times

Let’s just say that I know a thing or two about the business world. In fact, I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to management and office dynamics. I have worked in corporate American for over 30 years, and a lot of the companies I have worked for are fortune 500 companies that you've definitely heard of before. My biggest thing is that I see a lot of corporate waste in most big businesses these days. Companies really don’t get the whole idea that the culture of the work environment is set at the top of the organization.

This means that if you are a lazy CEO but expect the people under you to work hard, you may just need to switch up how you do things if you want to see some better success. All that aside, I would consider myself especially knowledgeable in office management and office supplies. I was an office manager at a very successful marketing company for many years, so I suggest that you heed my advice if you are an office manager or a business owner. I put together a short list of office supplies that every business needs to have on hand in order to properly and efficiently complete their work.

The first thing that your employees need if they are going to provide excellent, efficient work for the company is proper technology.

We are quickly becoming a more technologically driven world every single day, and it is crucial that your employees are empowered to do their work through excellent machinery and technology. In fact, your whole company should be taking advantage of every technological advancement at their disposal so as to not become obsolete compared to competition.

Just look at Wendy’s, whose marketing team is absolutely killing the game right now on social media sites like Twitter. You think they are doing all that on a Dell laptop from 2012? No. They are probably running the best of the best up in that office. Most likely Apple everything. So take a page out of Wendy’s book and get your employees some quality technology with which they can do their work efficiently.

Another thing you should consider is having shipping supplies on hand. Now, I know you might be thinking that if you aren’t a supplier or something like that, then there is no point for you to have shipping supplies on hand. Well, I am here to tell you that that is a completely false way of thinking and I would give you 6 more years of business max with that kind of mindset. I know that was harsh, but that is simply the reality of the business world my friend.

Having shipping supplies on hand at all times is so essential, because you never know when you are going to have to ship something off to a client or another business. Whether it be a thank you gift, a sales letter, or a random package that needs to be sent, it’s a lot easier to just go to the supply closet and grab some poly bags or cardboard boxes than go to the post office. Plus, ordering poly bags and other shipping supplies in bulk will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Some Shipping Supplies That Every ECommerce Business Needs

So you started an eCommerce business recently huh? Congratulations, so did everyone else. All joking aside, eCommerce has become super lucra...